
Take all necessary precautions
Hey Yall,
Please take all necessary precautions for Covid... according to this November 17th article, infection rates our area of Arkansas are some of the highest anywhere in the US right now: more »

2020-2021 Schedule is under review...
Hi Guys,
It's ok to play around with in the schedule, and confirm some hunts for practice.
That being said, the schedule is under review, and will be wiped and updated soon.
cyall soon,

Good 'ole AGFC Season Post
Hey Everybody,
I'm sure yall have already seen the 2020-2021 AGFC Duck Hunting Calendar, but here it is in case you haven't yet: more »

Opening Weekend
We will be having a mandatory club meeting Friday night before the opener. The meeting will be held at 7:30 PM.
Mask will not be required but if you would like to wear one feel free. If you have been exposed to the virus, have symptoms follow the guidelines put forth by Arkansas, please don’t jeopardize others' season! more »

Arm pits good.
Arm pit is huntable again. Plz be careful pulling up to the pit. It’s one inch from the top of the blind.

Un huntable pits
Chandler and I claimed arm pit and sugar sack since they are un huntible with the high water. I will let everyone know when they are ready to go. Plz work with us until we get the high water situation taken care of.
Opening weekend 2019
Some opening days are fun, some are great. With my A team friends and TRHC family I always now I’m gonna have fun. But this opening weekend was magical! Thank you chandler and beefy and Jackie for all your hard work during the off season. Glad to be back with my hunting peeps!
Willow Break
This morning, my dad, Tom Mathis, Chandler, Clint and Mitchell (ohhh and Abby and Ruger ☺️) headed down south to willow break. We knew this would be a good spot today given the weather was gon be relatively cold and clear skies. It’s always a trek to get all the way back in there to the blind, but it makes it all worth it when you kill 6 limits. more »