Blogs / hunterzig2's blog

hunterzig2's blog

Dux are at triv

Most dux I've seen in 2009. Carried out 3 limits before 8. Only 2 pits hunted on section 2.

North Roberts Wet Again after the floods this weekend

Before you hunt N. Roberts, plan on pumping it out and call me for help if you've never done it before.


Wet and dirty pits

Make sure to take a trash bag in your ditty bag so you can clean the pit you hunt after every hunt. I went out to S. Roberts and it was trashed and had 8 inches of water in it. Take a bailing bucket and a trash bag every time you go out. If you get to a pit that's filthy, figure out the last group to hunt there and give them a call to encourage everyone to be tidy as we have the nicest pits around and we need to keep them that way.

Let me know if this doesn't make sense and I'll explain more one on one.

Thanks for your help and keep on whackin em-HZ
