Blogs / Auto5man's blog / THANK YOU Matt, Randy, Louis, and Hays!!

THANK YOU Matt, Randy, Louis, and Hays!!

Auto5man's picture

By (Auto5man) -


Grover's a happy camper today...when I logged in at work starved for some Poinsett County news there was NEW blog content for me to read! Thank you Matt, Randy, Louis, and Hays. Thanks for the pic, Matt. And you're right, boys gotta kill stuff. Reminds me of days long ago when I was a dad belonged to a club off of hwy 64 near Fair Oaks. When the morning's hunt was over Pop would take a nap in the hunting shack (and I mean shack, nothing like the posh accomodations we all enjoy now) and I would have the run of the nearby woods with my "twenty two". As long as I was far enough away from the shack to keep the crack of my rifle from interrupting Pop's slumber,,,I was free to wreak havoc on the songbird and squirrel population!

Hopefully I'll be hittin' the marsh by saturday afternoon.

