Blogs / dan's blog / The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!!

The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!!

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By (dan) -


My compliments to Porkchop for expanding our international horizons by bringing his friends from St. Petersburg, as in Russia, Randy, you dumbass. How many of you other duck clubs in Arkansas are so good you have people coming all the way from the other side of the world to hunt ducks with YOUR club?

In addition to learning a few Russian curse words, I learned a new way to breast out teal from them. I'd never seen it before but it works, just like you breast out dove. Just spread the feathers and skin from the breast, put your thumb under the breast bone at the bottom, and pull it away, just like a dove. It works. Those ruskies probably learned that in the KGB school.

I want to tell everybody that ol' Porkchop is a gourmet chef in the area of cornbread. In fact, I would be willing to support a movement to change his nickname it "Cornbread". He cooked some up Wednesday night that it was so good I wanted to slap Randy's mama,(of course, she likes that). We had duck gumbo and Cornbread's cornbread Wed. night, with maybe 20 people there, and it was OUTSTANDING. A great TR night.
