Blogs / randy's blog / Part Two...

Part Two...

randy's picture

By (randy) -


Well boys the split is over tomorrow and I don't think we got many new ducks to the area with temps around 70 most of last week. I still believe ducks can be had but we may have to be creative in our approach.

Being in the pit ready to go at shooting time is one very important step. I prefer to be 30 minutes early as 5 minutes late myself. Ducks will tend to always fly at first light and buzz the decoys. Many times these are the only shots one may get when local birds are all we have around so set those clocks and don't be late. The alternative approach is to sleep in and get to the pits around 10:00am. I know first hand the majorities of hunters are out of the field around 10:00am, and I do believe local waterfowl know when the pressure is off. Most deer hunters I know will tell you the very same thing.

Don't forget the levees and ditch banks as alternative honey holes. I can't begin to tell you how many ducks I've killed sitting on a levee away from the pit. Many times it only takes a half dozen "good" decoys to work in some skitish ducks.

And last but not least: Just get up and GO !!! In all my years I've never killed a duck from my easy chair watching football. It only takes that one banded Canvasback to make your year, Or watching a young boy get his first double on some sporty Green Wing Teal.

Time is short and I know for me there will come a day when I would give most anything for one more day hunting with my friends and my son.

Have a safe season boys !!!! Let's go get em'
