Blogs / Auto5man's blog / LeakyDekes EVERYWHERE


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By (Auto5man) -


Some quick thoughts about our growing flock of leakers that clutter up the pits...

Every year the problem seems to get bigger. What we currently do is pick up all the decoys at the end of the year...leakers and floaters alike and store them until next year. The next year it seems all the leakers are getting mixed in with the regular flock. Opening week the spreads look great, then a few days later about 10% of each flock has turned into submarine dekes.

We need to get these dekes culled out of the spreads now. Having done this a few weeks ago at North Bridge, I can tell you its a fairly time-consuming task for one person and required a four-wheeler.

If each person who hunted would remember and commit to carry out one or two sinkers each time you hunted a pit, it wouldn't take long at all for all the bad apples to be taken care of with a minimum amount of effort. They would also be separated from the rest of the flock and minimize the problem for next year.

Just a thought....but if you like the idea please pass the message along to those who don't frequent the website..."hey, guys-would you mind after your hunt is over carrying out 1 or 2 sinkers per person?"

supergrover out

p.s. see ya in ARK tonight. Hopefully I won't need an ark.
