Blogs / 's blog / egg style

egg style

By (Anonymous) -


hey fellas, looking forward to seeing you all and catching up. it has been really warm up here the last week or so but they are calling for highs in the 40s and lows in the low 30s for a good part of next week. today in the mail i recieved a zipo lighter in the mail with the words team spoonbill on it. as most of you know this light belongs to one andy bowden. 2 seasons ago, this lighter was given to me for safe keeping in the off seaso. i then returned the lighter to andy on openning day. now some of you may ask why is this of any concern to me. well the reason is because it is believed to be responsible for bringing the ducks down last year. so i believe that we in fact owe a huge thanks to andy for remembering to send the lighter north so we may once agian experience the power of this lighter as ducks will once again follow this lighter south. i know you may say to yourself that we have over stated the power of this lighter. however, for those who believe there is no more wonderful and poweriful words in the world of migrator waterfowl than TEAM SPOONBILL...
