Blogs / hunterzig's blog / 2012 Crop Update

2012 Crop Update

hunterzig's picture

By (hunterzig) -


Just a heads up that you'll be seeing the usual crops this season, plus a couple new ones to us. A lot of folks dream about hunting over flooded corn......if the weather cooperates, that will be us. Also, our farmer is planting a couple fields in peanuts as an experiment. I've heard from a couple folks that know that waterfowl love peanuts, but since it's new to our area, it will be an experiment for us as well. Rice price is in the tank and input cost(fertilizer, fuel, seed) are thru the roof.....thus you'll see less rice and more other crops on the farm this year. Poinsett co. farmers heart beats to farm rice, so this is painful for them and hopefully it will get better next year. All this being said, I'm excited about the new crops and we'll just have to see how they affect our duck production.

Any thoughts?
